Friday, January 5, 2007

Funny Times and Troubling Times

It seems like with law school you have days that are troubling or funny. And more typically days that are both. A troubling day could be getting stood up in Contracts and not being prepared. A funny day could be someone else getting stood up in Contracts and not being prepared.

Today, was a little bit of both.

The day started off well with my property professor. We were talking about brokers and he made a joke using the word idiot. Like most law professors, just about anything can lead them off into a tangent. So he went on about how his children won't let him use the word idiot in front of some of his grandchildren. Now his last name is McLaughlin which is key. So He goes on to imitate them, "Daddy Mac, Mom said you couldn't say that word!"

Needless to say, the class all started laughing and it took the professor a little while to realize he was being funny.

So on to Constitutional Law, We're covering Marbury v. Madison and Judicial Review. I really enjoy this class because of the background history and politics that I hope are all through out it. I guess being a political junky and history nut explains that. Anyway, the troubling part came halfway through con law via a text message from my brother, "Call Mom ASAP, It's about grandma."

My grandma has been in the hospital since New Years Eve and I guess she's doing what all people do when they're her age. I guess law school and the busy schedule that accompanies it makes these troubling days/events that much harder.

I've heard from other 1Ls that are getting divorced now, one man's father having surgery, and the list goes on. This must be why law school is much more about survival then anything else.

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