Thursday, December 21, 2006

How Professors Grade Exams

This is a pretty funny article on how professors grade law exams. I've heard stories about this process from friends but it's quite funny to see on a blog and with pictures.

Here's the first little bit but click here to see the full post.

It's that time of year again. Students have taken their finals, and now it is time to grade them. It is something professors have been looking forward to all semester. Exactness in grading is a well-honed skill, taking considerable expertise and years of practice to master. The purpose of this post is to serve as a guide to young professors about how to perfect their grading skills and as a way for students to learn the mysterious science of how their grades are determined.

Grading begins with the stack of exams, shown in Figure 1 below.

Enjoy the subsequent laughter.

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